Saturday, 28 March 2015

Randomizer #3 ("I Listen To This Shit So You Don't Have To" Edition)

"Dance 4 U" by Charli XCX

I like Charli XCX.  I don't take as hard a line these days about the types of music I'll check out and this is indicative of that.

This song, however, is not so good, Efrem.  To be fair, though, it's from a mixtape, which are not always chock-full of an artist's best material.

Basically, when it comes to pop music I'm in the "The Stupider, The Better" camp almost all of the time and this song, believe it or not, is not stupid enough.  If you know what I mean.

Sorry, Charli.  "Dance 4 U" is awful.

Randomizer #2

"Child Activist" by Guided By Voices

I like GBV very much.  This is sorta what you'd expect from this gang of lo-fi lotharios.  Eighty-two savory seconds of catchy mud.

If you're not too familiar with this band, leader Robert Pollard writes way more songs than probably anyone else in the world.  He seems to release all of them, too.  This isn't a bad thing, because the majority of his work is really nice.

The first album I heard by GBV was Bee Thousand.  It was getting loads of good write-ups upon its release and I was swayed enough to fork out the cash for a CD.  It's a marvelous record and I always have a lot of time for Guided By Voices.

Randomizer #1

"Suffering Bastard" by Burn The Priest

Well, here we go.

Burn The Priest is what Lamb Of God used to be called.  I know almost nothing about them.

This doesn't sound much different from LOG to my ears, but that makes sense, I guess.  Nice, grindy guitars on this one, lots of guttural gutturing.  Not too shabby.  Short, too, so that's a bonus.

I found this nifty video for the song so you can check it out yourself, if you're so inclined.

Let There Be Something in the interest of hopefully giving this thing a swift kickstart, here's what's gonna happen:

I'm putting Foobar on random and I'm going to write about whatever songs come up.  One post per song.  I know this sounds like a complete hack way of doing this, but fuck it.

Thing is, most of the music on this here 'puter has not found its way to my ears.  So while I'm getting fresh aural chirps flying into my brain, you're getting whatever comes out of my fingers.  It's not as gross as it sounds.  Maybe.

Gimme a minute...